Sunday, August 8, 2010

July 18 Paris

July 18

We split up for this day, Claude and Paulette visited the Eiffel Tower, l'Arche de Triomphe and the Champs Elisees, and Darlene and I visited the Marais district. The photo above is the Jewish quarter, which is a part of the Marais district.

The shops in the Jewish quarter have their own style. Here is a Jewish bakery.

On leaving the Jewish quarter, still in the Marais, we came upon the Musée Carnavalet, which is dedicated to the history of Paris. It was not part of our plan to visit it, but we decided to have a look.

Darlene taking a break in the inner courtyard, before going into the building.

It is a very beautiful building and the displays were so interesting, we ended up staying close to 2 hours!

Most of the history of Paris is told via artwork, such as this painting of the Seine. Notice that the banks were not yet built up when this painting was made. That's Notre Dame on Ile de la Cité.

Here is a different period. late 1800's.

This is Place des Vosges, a beautiful square surrounded by apartment buildings built in the early 1600's.

This is a very good restaurant called Le Petit Bowfinger, in the Marais, where we had a great lunch (thanks Marcelle).

Leaving the Marais, we visited this church called l'eglise Saint Marie Madeleine. It was built in the mid 1700's.

Inside the church, also called La Madeleine.

Darlene browsing at books in the only English language bookstore in Paris, called Sheakespeare and Company.

We finished the day in a park called Jardin de Luxembourg.

The French government's Senate building is located within the park.

The park has many chairs that people use to relax and read.

Darlene in Jardin de Luxembourg.

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