Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 08 Languedoc-Roussillon

July 08

We drove back into Spain for a day, to visit a small coastal town called Cadaques. It's about a 60 minute drive from the French/Spanish border. Here is a shot looking back into France, just before crossing into Spain. The border area is beautiful, located where the Pyrenee mountains meet the Mediterranean sea.

Cadaques is approached by inland route to the coast. Notice a sneak peek at the Mediterranean in the background.

The town is built right along the coast. This ia the view from the restaurant where we had lunch on arrival.

Paulette and Claude, relaxing while waiting for the food to arive.

All the buildings in Cadaques are white, giving it a Greek appearance. It has a nice beach; this is just a small portion of it. There was a fogbank rolling in the day we were there.

This is the view from the churchyard, higher up. Beautiful view, but the fog is now really coming in.

Darlene and Paulette did some street shopping for jewelry from this young artist. Darlene is trying on a few and did buy a piece from her.

Cadaques is the home of artist Salvador Dali. This is the house that he lived in in his later years. You can visit the home for a fee, it's now a museum, but we found out that you need to reserve in advance, and they only allow a smal number of visitors per day. We were out of luck.

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